As you know if you’ve read my blog, I take comedy pretty seriously. And so when I read through Twitter and Facebook that a lot of people were taking potshots at Rob Bell, and that they were going after him as a universalist, and were assuming things about his new book “Love Wins”, well, I knew that I would have to do the research and offer my point of view.
I even heard some people were talking about Rob Bell like he was some kind of clown, and well, what can I say. It’s hard to argue with the truth.

If you’ve forgotten how influential Bob Bell was, just look at this cover art from his film series “Bozooma”, that played on WGN in the eighties.
Okay – are you still reading? Hope you enjoyed the satire – I know I did! (thanks to my friend John for having an idea that I could steal) And now… the real reason I gathered you here today…

You don’t have time to keep up with everything – so let me do it for you! The Pop Culture Pulpit is One-Stop Pop Culture Shopping for the Discriminating Pastor.
There are multiple ways to get a hold of the podcast. First, you can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes by clicking this link.
Second, you can visit the web page! You can listen right on the page at http://www.popculturepulpit.com.
And I’ll always be posting and directing podcast traffic through my website, http://www.ericbramlett.org.
I’m passionate about keeping Pastors in the know when it comes to being salt and light in this world – and I want to have some fun with it along the way. So listen, let me know what you think, and tell a friend! You can email podcast questions for the Court Jester at [email protected].
Thanks and I'll see you at the pulpit!