Check it out here.
![]() And if you're a fan of the show LOST, you should too. It's part two of an EW wrap up article about the spiritual significance of the show, it's themes, and what they might "really" mean... Good stuff!
Check it out here.
![]() Well it's been an interesting week for pop culture, everyone getting over the fact that no one obviously Christian had been raptured after Saturday had passed. There were several items I saw on the pop culture landscape today that I thought were worth mentioning, so here goes:
First, it's been exactly one year since LOST gave us a Series Finale worth talking about. Entertainment Weekly's Doc Jensen offers up part one of a commemorative piece about the show and its themes today, focusing in on the spiritual themes of the show and his take on them. You can read that article here. Secondly, Lady Gaga released "Born This Way" the complete CD today - I had the opportunity yesterday at Starbucks to stream the entire collection on my computer, and I have to say that her faithful re-creation of the best parts of eighties music arrangement and production was practically a religious experience for me. But lyrically, she has never been more in tune with exploring the spiritual side of things: songs about God, Jesus, Mary, Judas... she may be picking and choosing from the religion buffet table lyrically, but she knows a great pop riff when she steals (writes) it... And third, it was announced today that Mark Burnett of "Survivor" fame has been contracted by the History Channel to create a series called "The Bible", which will combine live-action and CG effects to tell selected stories of the Bible. Could be interesting. Read a tiny article about that here. And if you would prefer to listen to my dulcet tones describing that which I see all around me in the world of pop culture through the internets and directly onto your favorite mp3 player, please subscribe to my podcast! The Pop Culture Pulpit is ready for you - just uploaded a new episode yesterday - and if you have listened to the show and enjoyed it, I would love it if you headed over to the iTunes page and left positive feedback. Apparently that kind of feedback is very valuable in that area of the internets... so help me help me! Can't tell you how much I love Jimmy Fallon right now. His opening to the Emmys was nothing short of brilliant. Loved it. Loved it. Check it out below... And then there was his "show in memoriam" moment, which was so funny, that later, when Jewel started her song which was the 'actual' in memorium moment, I thought to myself, "I wonder if this is a parody too?" I don't know why I love a comedian who excels in parody songs. I guess I'll never know. Anyway, here is his send up of 24, Law and Order, and LOST. Good stuff. Enjoy! ![]() Okay - well, it's been a while since posts - I went to Cancun with my lovely wife - some pics are surfacing on Facebook (if you're my friend - boom!) - anyway, took this week to get back into the swing of things. Not sure I'm there yet, but lacking any other inspiration for posting, I have decided to let you know about this new website. This is for LOST fans.
If you are a LOST fan, you either loved or hated the "answer" to the question "what was the sideways timeline?" Well, this guy hated it, and has begun to re-edit the Season 6 episodes by removing the sideways timeline completely. He's done three episodes so far. Pretty interesting. You can check it out here. Enjoy, if you feel that you must! ![]() Well, I don't consider myself an expert, but allow me a moment to spend some time waxing philosophical about the television show LOST. I thoroughly enjoyed the finale, and I'd like to try to explain why.
By way of reminder, Kristi and I began watching the show only this January, starting with the first four seasons on DVD through checking them out at our local library. We finished up with season five on Hulu around the time of season six's seventh episode. We tried to pace ourselves, but by the time we were caught up in "real time" (a concept that doesn't exist in the world of LOST), we had to wait like everyone else for the last several episodes. First of all, it is sooooo much more satisfying to have watched LOST "all at once." The show plays like a greek tragedy, or a series of them - long and involved with many different characters focused around a common theme. No one actually wants to watch greek tragedies anymore, so the only place they play are at universities under the guise of "education." I participated in a few in college - I remember the Orestia trilogy being staged at University of Arizona, and how in total it was around nine hours of theater devoted to telling one story - and if you weren't really into theatre, it could be painful. Fortunately for me, at that time, I was so totally into theatre... In theatre, there are other examples less old. Horton Foote completed a nine play cycle called "The Orphans Home Cycle" that recently was staged in New York as an epic "come and see all of them over a weekend" experience. So this kind of storytelling is not new. The fact that it was successful, on television, that part... is new. LOST asks you to simply be comfortable with some science fiction-style truths about the world of the play (or in this case, the Island.) It will be true, that there will be a monster that no one really knows about. There are whispers in the jungle. There are people who speak to the dead. And the creators decided to use that world to be a metaphor for the way in which each of these characters were relationally and spiritually lost. Each of them had different things to learn, which they did, in one way or another, on the island. Those who saw the finale and felt jipped about not getting some more specific answers about some of those science fiction truths, well, I think they're missing the point. The paths that these characters were on were not designed to explain particulars of plot: they were there to explore the texture of their characters and the conflicts in which they found themselves. That's great drama. This wasn't a jungle version of the game Clue, where we all find out in the end what the mystery is, and whodunnit. The mystery (the island) was the setting: the characters accepted the mystery and made decisions that revealed character. And I loved it. I would encourage anyone who has not taken in a single episode to check out your local library or netflix or hulu, and give it a chance. At 44 minutes an episode (sans commercials), it goes by pretty fast. And even the seasons where Losties "gave up" - they go by fast, and episodes that weren't great don't get dwelled on, because you simple go to the menu and click onto the next one. One final thought: I am a firm believer that all good stories have their origins in THE STORY, and this show is no exception. Many connections were obvious, but others were subtle. Nonetheless, God is working in our lives, even in our pop culture lives, and THE STORY was told through these creatives as they told the story of these characters and this island. It was cool to watch. ![]() Last night I got to see the Phoenix Suns clinch a playoff berth live in Chicago against the Bulls. It was a great game, I got great seats, and they were complimentary thanks to a childhood friend who is a business partner with Dan Majerle, one of the coaches of the Suns and a former player. Pretty cool! Dillon and I went to the game, along with Elic and Carrie, who "bought" their tickets before I thought to ask my friend if Dan could hook us up.
All this to say, I got home late last night and instead of watching American Idol, I watched LOST. Because my allegiances have changed somewhat for Tuesday night viewing. So I'll check out the AI week this afternoon maybe, and then let you know my thoughts. What did you think? I heard Lee did really well. Anyone else? ![]() About a month and a half ago, roughly, Kristi and I began watching LOST. We started with the DVDs from Season 1, and have just caught up with the most recent episode of Season 6. It was quite the winter marathon. But extremely rewarding.
I can't recommend enough watching LOST in this way. The storyline plays not like a soap opera, but rather more like a Greek Epic, like the Orestia (my theatre degree coming in handy once again)... It doesn't try to "catch you up" each week, but rather, simply continues to tell the epic story. And because I watched each episode back-to-back, sometimes 3 in one evening, I didn't spend any time hypothesizing about the many mysteries of the show - I just watched, took it all in. I won't spend any time in this post going over all the cool spiritual symbolism that exists in the storyline, many others have done that much better than me... (I mean, come on, Jack SHEPHERD has a son named DAVID who is a musical genius and his significant number is 23.) Let's just say that I'm enjoying it, and I am glad that I caught up to the pop culture epic before the series finale. Do you watch LOST? |