So here are my thoughts on this week’s performances, offered as always, before I hear anything the judges have to say about any of this...
Caleb: “Family Tree” - In some ways it’s a good thing that he’s doing a non-popular song from a popular band - it helps us see him in his own right as a viable performer, and not a meatloaf mimic. It was strong. He’ll be back.
Jessica: “Gunpowder & Lead” - I really don’t think she will be able to fully release and develop where she needs to without time and maybe even some therapy, but I do think that that was her strongest performance thus far. She sounded great, she was credible singing the lyric, and she didn’t try to move in ways that she wasn’t capable.
Sam & Alex: “Let Her Go” - Must they Mraz everything?
CJ: “Gravity” - This is a great song pick from Caleb that might just keep him alive for another week. Now he has to figure out how to sing, emote, and give it his all without scrunching his face into oblivion. A little sharp here and there, probably still in the bottom.
Dexter: "Muckalee Creek Water” - This works for me the same way that Caleb’s number did - not familiar with the song, so it sounds like an original successful Dexter number. Solid.
Caleb & Jena: “Gimme Shelter” - Worth it all for the ending. Didn’t like the guitar mucking up with the Richards’ riff...
Alex: "A Team” - Just the right amount of integrity to the original melody and unique tweaking of an inventive artist.
Sam: "Sail Away” - He’s kind of imitating David Gray right now. Not sure what I think about that. It is interesting to have him sing a much more mature sounding/textured kind of song. Not sure it worked, but it was interesting to see. He certainly sounded good.
CJ, Jessica, Dexter: “Compass” - not much to say about that.
Jena: "Creep” - Very solid performance. Enjoyed the arrangment and the attack of her voice. She’s real. Is she a superstar? Not sure yet. But she’s getting there.
I think it might be time to shorten to an hour and a half and cut out the duets and trios… What did you think? Who is going home?