Sheryl Crow is the guest mentor this week. One song from "today" and one from the 60s/70s. Mkay.
James - Closer to the Edge - Of all of his high end performances this may be my least favorite - not because he didn't nail it, but just because the slower melody didn't complement his ability as well as songs that are filled with eighth notes. It's still a not-to-miss circus act though.
Jacob - No Air - What is this dance he's doing? We are a part of a Jacob Nation? Ummm no. He's got an amazing voice, but that was an indulgent performance.
Lauren - Flat on the Floor - Another good reminder of how ridiculously good Carrie Underwood actually is. She did a great job handling the constant barrage of lyric. Best so far by far.
Scotty - Gone - When he took off for the chorus I was waiting for the Howdy Doody marionette strings to pull him up into the catwalks. He needs to figure out what to do with his off arm when he's not using it to touch the mic with his finger. He holds it close to his chest and it looks weird. But that was one solid performance. He's the one unless Lauren steals it from him.
Haley - You and I - Jimmy was right in that this song is a great fit for Haley - kind of makes me wonder how in the world Lady Gaga pulls it off. There was risk in this choice for sure, but I think it paid off, mainly because the song has such a familiar chord progression.
James - Without You - I was wondering when the family was gonna come back into the picture - well played, sir. Pretty good build, but kind of ironic that for most those high notes as written would be unattainable and for him he has to sing above the melody to really challenge his range.
Jacob - Love Hurts - This is a great song. This is a much better fit for him, and I can't wait to hear Randy say how right he was. You can see him trying to cry and be autistic as hard as he can. One sour note. But he turned it into gospel and it worked.
Lauren - Unchained Melody - Barbra Mandrell called and wants her pant-dress back. Other than that she kind of ran out of riff ideas at the end of the song, it was great. She doesn't understand that song, but she can sing it.
Scotty - Always on My Mind - Again, you have to be absolutely floored by how polished this KID is as a vocalist. Is there anyone out there who sounds this studio-ready in a live performance?
Haley - House of the Rising Sun - Fantastic - I know there are Haley-haters out there, but I just don't get it. The risk of Gaga and the recovery of the Animals should buy her another week at least. Bam.
Random Notes:
Clearly Ryan is unaware of what the Full Monty actually is. Surprising.
So far Jacob is not "in it to win it." This does not bode well for him if one can trust the Randy Jackson Platitud-ometer.
So who is going home? My money is on Jacob, but Haley could go bye-bye with ga-ga.
Standing O for Haley? Okay, now, I know that she did a great job, but I feel like Nigel whispered in their ears and said "stand up and clap!" O the drama!